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Common Acres Community Farm 

Raven Drive Location

Squamish CAN is underway to build their second community farm in Squamish. If you are an urban farmer looking for land, please contact us to learn more about the project. We are underway with planning and building throughout 2025 and hope to open the doors for the 2026 season. Please contact our Executive Director, to learn more.

How can Squamish residents be involved in the Community Farm?

Volunteer - It is typical that urban farmers will be using regenerative, organic and no or little till farming practices. This means that there is more maintenance of tasks such as weeding, thus each farmer will likely have opportunities for community members to volunteer in exchange for fresh produce? This can also be a great fit for high school students seeking volunteer opportunities or experiences required for them to graduate.

Buy Product - Residents can participate or support the farms to purchase the harvest from there. Commonly, small scale farmers will have a weekly harvest box which can run from 12-22 weeks, farm sales or other ways of purchasing including through a third party. Employment

Workshops or community gatherings - The type of community focused farm business may also work with Squamish CAN to provide workshops or learning opportunities for the community.


How does this project connect to the vision of Sustainable Food Systems in Squamish?

The development of the agrihood on lot 39 is directly in line with the vision and policies of the District of Squamish Official Community Plan (OCP). Within the OCP one of the targets is: Farming activity and agricultural production is increased within the District of Squamish on parcels available for farming (based on the extent of existing land uses, land covers and their compatibility with agriculture).


The DOS is monitoring this because farmland area represents the production of food, economic health of farms, and food security. Even small-scale urban agriculture activities such as backyard or community gardens have the potential to build community, influence food knowledge and contribute to the local food supply and agri-economy. Data in the Agricultural Land Use Inventory provides baseline information to help measure changes over time on agricultural lands including the type and extent of agricultural activities within a region. ALUI data can also be used to quantify the amount of land used, unavailable, and potentially available for agricultural purposes. Visit OCP Indicator here:


Together in collaboration the Squamish Lillooet Regional District and the District of Squamish conducted the Squamish Valley Agriculture Plan. Now in its third year of implementation with the Squamish Food Policy Council leading it, this project is directly married with our one of our six goals and three of our 52 action items: Goal One - URGENT

"Objective: Increase agricultural land productivity and improve access to foodlands in the Squamish Valley, by removing barriers to support existing farm businesses, encourage new entrants, and attract new producers to the area."

Squamish CAN is thrilled to be able to work with Rivertown Properties Ltd. and District of Squamish to utilize a half an acre and prepare the site to welcome two urban farmers who have been looking for land for years. This site will officially become the second location of our Common Acres Community farm project, which launched in 2022 with our first location on Government Rd. on the property of Easter Seals. This model of community farming can help remove barriers for farmers to access land to farm and help encourage landowners to put land in production.


It has become increasingly clear that our community has very little food security in light of natural disasters, pandemics and the impact from the climate crisis from heat domes to flooding. Land has become unaffordable for many folks who are wanting to farm in Squamish, regardless of scale. This project is a direct result of one of the 52 action items as part of the Squamish Valley Agriculture Plan with an objective of ‘increase agricultural land productivity and improve access to foodlands in the Squamish Valley, by removing barriers to support existing farm businesses, encourage new entrants, and attract new producers to the area'.


 Krystle tenBrink, Executive Director of Squamish CAN

How are the farmers chosen?

Squamish CAN has a list of farmers that have contacted them over the past few years. We currently have four urban farmers waiting for land to start farming. The requirement is that they have met with us and understand and agree to the general arrangements and processes, they also have to register for the Young Agrarians land linking program which includes preparing a farm plan for operations.


What will the day-to-day, season-to-season look like?

A typical vegetable farmer will begin preparing beds in fall or late winter in anticipation of planning early crops in March, depending on frost. It is likely you will see each farmer almost everyday onsite tending to growing food, preparing beds, weeding, composting, harvesting, washing, selling and doing various other maintenance/operational tasks. Our Squamish growing season will go from March/April through till late November. Expect very little operations onsite from December-mid February.

Why Community Farming?

Community farms provide affordable land access options to farmers, through non-ownership models, such as long-term leases and incubator plots. A main barrier to local food production in the BC Southern mainland is the high cost of land, making it difficult for new entrant farmers looking to enter the profession (Wittman et al, 2017). Non-ownership models offer a good way for farmers to overcome the structural and economic barriers associated with land ownership. Community farms use non-ownership and shared access models to increase community participation on and off the land, which reflects the food sovereignty philosophy that land is a community asset, rather than a commodity, and that farmers and their livelihoods need to be valued and protected, rather than eliminated (Nyéléni Forum for Food Sovereignty, 2007). This project contributes to growing our rural community food assets and increasing access and availability to locally grown food and agri-food employment opportunities. 

The benefits of providing affordable lands to farmers directly improves access for residents to have locally grown food or value added products year round. There is a direct link between locally grown food access that provides nutritious and nutrient dense foods that overall improve the health of our community. The South West of BC has seen severe impacts of climate change over the past decade and in particular during 2021. Atmospheric Rivers damaged transportation routes, thus shutting down access to communities getting food. The need for communities to have resiliency in light of moderate to severe climate change impacts are essential. And increasing access to farming and supporting more farmers in our community will significantly help us with that. We are considered a rural community, with some residents including Indigenous communities living in the north valley’s of Squamish (Squamish Valley & Paradise Valley). We are dependent on the major hwy 99, waterways and rail to access our food and currently only have less than six commercial farmers in Squamish growing food. 

The Common Acres Community Farm has provided a visual and experience for us to help leverage to secure more land. Eventually, we hope that these properties will be held in a land trust or in perpetuity as space to feed our community members. ​


Nina La Flamme Photography

Community Farming Benefits


Healthy Local Economies: 

Community farms are locally owned and operated, and democratically controlled. Local farms keep money circulating in their communities rather than exporting it to absentee owners or shareholders, and the benefits are passed on to local restaurants, farmers markets, retailers, and consumers.


Environmental Solutions: 

Agriculture and farming practices can both harm and protect environmental systems and processes. Groups that farm cooperatively feel a strong sense of stewardship and responsibility to the land, but farmers do face barriers when they choose to farm sustainably. By basing their agricultural activities on sustainable practices, community farms balance environmental sustainability with retention and protection of valuable and threatened farmland.


Local Food Security: 

Rural communities import much of their food. In the context of a global food crisis, establishing local suppliers of diverse food products increases food security in small rural communities. Communities that invest in community farms help secure farmland and build local food systems for ongoing food production.


Market Stability: 

When a community invests in a farm, its long-term viability and security as a food production (and social) system are supported. Farmers benefit from market and price stability when communities support their farmers through community shared agriculture programs, farmers markets, and local distribution networks.


Social Capital and Community Amenities: 

Community farms build 'social capital' by involving a diverse group of individuals – farmers, community members, and organizations – with different skills and knowledge. This social capital, or wealth, helps create community amenities beyond food production, including environmental and agricultural education, recreational opportunities, and nature conservation areas.

Source: Community Farming Benefits (

Easter Seals Location


Squamish CAN has established the region's first community farm on one acre of underutilized ALR land on Easter Seals grounds, located centrally in Squamish, BC. Common Acres Community Farm is subleasing ¼ acre plots to new entrant farmers in partnership with Young Agrarians. We officially launched in spring 2022 with three new farm businesses in operation:


The project goal is to expand and encourage sustainable agriculture and food production in our region, as identified in the Squamish Valley Agricultural Plan and by the Squamish to Lillooet Food Task Force. 

Land Matching Program

Do you have farmland in the Squamish? Farmers are seeking land for: 0.5 - 5 acres for market gardens

Contact your Land Matcher, Ve-Jane, at or visit to learn more about sharing your land through the B.C. Land Matching Program!


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The B.C. Land Matching Program (BCLMP) provides personalized land matching and business support services to farmers looking for land to start or expand their farm, and landholders interested in finding someone to farm their land. The advantage of working with a Land Matcher is free hands-on support to understand regulations, evaluate opportunities, access resources, and ultimately find a land match.

The program is delivered by Young Agrarians (YA) and addresses the high cost of land as a significant barrier for those seeking to enter the B.C. agriculture industry. There is no cost to participate, and our services are available to farmers and landholders of all ages across B.C. 

Meet The Community Farmers

Learn More

Young Agrarians Land Access Stories: COMMON ACRES COMMUNITY FARM

Published July 3rd

Common Acres Community Farm was created in response to a need for more, and more diverse food assets in Squamish communities. The food hub’s goals are lofty but also simple: to increase food access, food quality, food security and food education for community members while improving connectivity, livelihoods and access to resources for farmers and food producers – and, in tackling these two audiences simultaneously, drawing connections between the future of food and agriculture in the region to every member of the Squamish community. At Common Acres, every person in the community has a role to play, whether that’s an irrigation consultant, a local policymaker, a new farmer or a local student who wants to learn more about keeping bees. Krystle says that “all of the things we need to do to remove barriers for farmers can be done by working creatively with decision-makers and policymakers” in collaboration with community members. Common Acres is an example of a local food system by the community, for the community.


Image left: The farm co-hosted an event with Young Agrarians under a late-summer clear sky to share the fruits of their labours with farmers and food-lovers from all over the Lower Mainland

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Krystle TenBrink of Squamish CAN, , Rebecca Bolkowy at (formerly) Republic Heirlooms (now Local Roots), Vince Hoog from Fieldstone Garlic and Amanda Bagliore from Aura Rosa Florals

Thank you to our Funders

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Educators take an interdisciplinary approach with lots of hands-on learning opportunities for their students and community members.

A place where people can grow, prepare, share, buy, receive or learn about food.

We bring together organizations, businesses, government representatives and community groups, to share perspectives and address challenges in our local food system.

We humbly acknowledge that the Squamish CAN (Climate Action Network) is located on and
operates within the unceded lands of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation).

Copyright © 2022 Squamish CAN

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